SSC Species Conservation Planning Project Inventory

The Species Survival Commission (SSC) Species Conservation Planning Project Inventory is a compilation of planning projects conducted or enabled by SSC Specialist Groups since 2012. SSC Specialist Groups and conservation organizations outside of the IUCN are encouraged to use the Species Conservation Planning Project Inventory for reference and inspiration as they develop their own species conservation projects.
The projects are divided into three categories: those with completed plans, those with plans in progress, and future projects.

Completed Plans: Planning session must have taken place between 2012-present; included the direct involvement of at least one SSC Specialist Group; and have a plan that is published and available on the internet.

Plans in Progress: Planning session occurred between 2012-present and included the direct involvement of at least one SSC Specialist Group, however no report has yet been made available.

Future Plans: Planning efforts that are currently being conceived or are actively being organized by at least one SSC Specialist Group. 

To add a project to the Species Conservation Planning Project Inventory, please complete this form.

Please contact CPSG with any questions or suggestions.