Plan for Invertebrates Catalyzes Action for Threatened Species

In February, snail and arthropod experts, farmers, government officials, tourist guides, and IUCN Species Survival Commission representatives gathered on the island of Santa Maria, Azores, for a two-day workshop to plan for the conservation of the endemic invertebrates of the island. Co-facilitated by the Mid-Atlantic Islands Invertebrate Specialist Group, the AZORESBIPORTAL-PORBIOTA project, the Santa Maria Natural Park, and CPSG, the workshop gathered what’s known about 43 threatened invertebrate species found almost exclusively on this one, small island, to collectively decide how to reverse their downward trend.

Working groups coalesced around particular land management practices, including forestry, farming and tourism, and invasive plants, to better understand what is going on, why, and what solutions could be found to support the species and without compromising human livelihoods. The result is a 10-year plan with a 30-year vision of restoring the native forest of the island along corridors connecting small pockets of remaining woodland, and allowing marginal farmland to revert to wild spaces.

Though the plan is not yet off the press, the results of the workshop have inspired a number of significant decisions to be made and actions to be taken at the island and archipelago level. One of these is the aligning of stars between this species conservation plan and an update to the existing Natural Park plan, encompassing the Pico Alto mountain range at the centre of the island. The needs of the invertebrates for native forest are now being built into the new Natural Park, which should see a significant extension to the existing designated area, creating forested tendrils across the island.

At the same time, based on feedback from the workshop, the Regional Secretary for the Environment for the Azores, announced the decision to develop an EU LIFE proposal that, if successful, will see substantial funding directed towards on-the-ground action to recreate native spaces for the islands endemic invertebrates. These actions have the potential to benefit not just the wider biodiversity of the island and the Azores as a whole but address the needs of an often-ignored taxonomic group.