Change the Future for the Dhole

Dhole by Davidvraju

Dholes are listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. They have disappeared from most of their historical range across Asia, and populations are still declining in most areas due to habitat loss, declines in prey, persecution due to livestock depredation, and disease transmission from domestic dogs. In 2019, over 28 dhole experts from 9 range countries gathered in Thailand to collaborate to change the future for dholes. 

Take Action

The workshop report includes spatial and population modeling results as well as recommendations for global and national action, falling under these areas:

  • Reducing the loss of dhole habitat and prey
  • Easing dhole-human conflict
  • Addressing domestic dogs and disease
  • Collecting critical scientific data for management

Read the full report for detailed actions and for country-specific recommendations.


To support conservation action for dholes, contact Nucharin Songsasen.

Read the full report.Thank you to our partners

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