Interactive Toolkit for Crop Wild Relative Conservation Planning

Name: Interactive Toolkit for Crop Wild Relative Conservation Planning

Reference: Magos Brehm J, Kell S, Thormann I, Gaisberger H, Dulloo ME and Maxted N (2017) Interactive Toolkit for Crop Wild Relative Conservation Planning version 1.0. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK and Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Available at:

Conservation planning step(s) when this would be used: Prepare, Review Status, Build a Vision, Set Goals and Objectives, Plan Actions, Implement and Monitor, Evaluate and Adapt, Document, Learn, and Share

Description of tool use: The Toolkit is comprised of 13 modules, each corresponding to a different step in the CWR conservation planning process. Each module includes: (i) a brief introduction, (ii) methodology with an interactive flowchart helping the user move through the various components of a particular step, (iii) case studies showcasing how each step has been addressed by other researchers, (iv) a list of references used in the preparation of the texts, and (v) additional resources (papers, books, web links, PowerPoint presentations, etc) that help the user understand how to undertake each step. 

Experience and expertise required to use the tool: Three different groups of users may access and use this Toolkit: 

1. FAO national focal points.

2. Agencies responsible for planning and implementing national strategies, such as national agricultural or environmental agencies.

3. NGOs (e.g. farmers’ organizations), local institutions (e.g. genebanks, universities, research institutes), and individual scientists.

Data requirements: N/A

Cost: The Interactive Toolkit for Crop Wild Relative Conservation Planning is free to download. Depending upon the extent to which the tool is used to develop national strategies and according to the amount of information available there is potential that costs to implement the strategies could run low. However, the cost could increase significantly if a fully study is required.

Strengths and weaknesses, and when to use and interpret with caution: Tools provide the different steps for the preparation of National Strategy and Action Plan for Crop wild relatives. A great advantage is that the toolkit is interactive.

Case Study: Several case studies for the NSAP preparation in Mauritius, South Africa, and Zambia exists and links to their NSAP is available


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Contributors(s): Ehsan Dulloo

Afflilation: Bioversity International


Date: 18 December 2017